April 4, 2011

My Serger

For my birthday, I got a serger.  I love sewing, especially clothes for Marilyn, and I have made a quite a few things now and really enjoy it.  I have figured out all little intrecisies of my machine and know how to fix every little problem that comes up.  I am a killer button-holer, a rock star hemmer and I have even put in a zipper or two.  The next step is to move to the serger (which makes the seams on the inside look professional and can also hem the way your t-shirts are hemmed, amoung other things).  I have never seen a serger in real life, let alone used one.  So needless to say, I was a little intimated.  I did a bunch of research online and found the one I wanted.  I got a Brother serger.  I waited for a few days and then it showed up on my porch.  I ran to it and realized how little I really knew about it.  I brought it inside and put it on the table.  There it stayed for 4 days.  Everyday I looked at it and got more and more freaked out.  Tom finally asked me when I was going to open this birthday present I have been talking about FOREVER AND EVER.  I knew he was right so I went for it.  I have a long way to go (alot of dresses for Marilyn) before I know it like I know my sewing machine but I am hopeful I can stick to it! Here is a picture of my first stitch.  I was a little freaked out...but it worked!! I am on my way!!

1 comment:

The Yates said...

Sara! Thanks for your comment, you're so sweet! I'll let you know about the marathon. Josh is thinking he's rather be my cheerleader but I need some sort of team rallied up to run with me ha ha. June would love to make a new friend though! We'll definitely have to arrange something.