December 12, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Yay! I love thanksgiving! I love spending time with family and not having to worry about normal life things.  We got to go to Logan and spend Thanksgiving with Tom's family this year and we had a KILLER time! Everything was perfect, except perhaps the was WAY too cold.  Now that our bodies have warmed up and become accustom to the heat of the south, Logan is much to cold for me to spend more than 4 seconds outside. 

Here are some of my favorite moments...
This is Marilyn and Papa early in the morning on Thanksgiving...she helped him make the turkey.  Pretty important job for a 2 year old right??

Mar had a SERIOUS amount of cousin love slash play time...she loved every second!

Uncle Jeff and Uncle Max and Weston were in charge of peeling all the potatoes...A pretty important job if you ask me!
No matter how cold it was Marilyn would not give up on playing in the we got her bundled up and she out she went!

She even thew a barehanded snowball...against my advice! haha

Dad and Missy got to build the worlds smallest snowman...she was pretty impressed!

So was Maggie...

We loved that Uncle Jeff got to come to Logan with us, since our parents were in Texas with Emily and her family. 

How adorable is that, I love that girl!

Some other things I loved:
Facing the Black Friday crowd at Joann's...amazingly busy!
Sitting on the couch with Jen being a million weeks pregnant together
Watching Marilyn play with her cousins
Finishing my diaper bag (pics to come)
Sitting and chatting with Tom's family...we don't get to talk enough!
Looking at the tree's at Anderson Seed and Garden
Chocolate Mousse

Basically the trip was a-to-the-mazing...we loved it!

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Marilyn is learning to sing.  She is pretty amazing at it.  The best part of it is when she feels the music in her heart and closes her eyes.  She is almost as good as Celine Dion I would say.  We love when she sings in church, she needs her own book and BELTS out every note (most of which she is making up, or what I like to call "harmonizing").  She is getting so big...

December 11, 2011


Tom and Marilyn also carved a cute!

Halloween 2011

I feel I must update this blog immediately because soon enough I will be busy with 2 kids and it will be even more important for me to find the time.  I love looking back at the record we have kept of our little life and am determined to keep it going!

We did have a Halloween! Marilyn was adorable (of course).  She walked around for weeks telling me she wanted to be a yellow crayon and then Mike Wisouskie (however you spell if) from Monster's Inc.  I felt weird dressing her up as a freaky green man monster and just hoped she would
move past this desire.  Thankfully, we found this little number...
at a farmers market (random or what??) And we barely remember the whole monster dilemma!

She loved that she was in charge of the horse and made it lay on her...she was pretty cute with that darn horse!

This was at the trunk or treat, the horse was a little hard to walk in and so it came off...but we got it back on in order to hit a few houses for trick or treating!

I also dressed up with my other pregnant buddies...rad shirts right? We made them! We were pretty proud to sport them at the Ward Trunk of Treat! Booyah! Baby had a costume too this year!