Marilyn is 21 months old. I have been tracking her development (with relation to potty training) since she was 15 months when she started crying when I wouldn't let her flush the toilet for me. She has hit all the markers. So we decided to try it, even though she is still pretty young. I got her a little potty a while ago and she has played with it for months. I read the book "How To Potty Train You Child In Just One Day". I liked the principles in the book, I liked the idea that by teaching you learn. So we got little Marilynny-Loo-Hoo a potty doll, who she named "Baby Nana". The day started out by Marilyn taking Baby Nana to the potty, "teaching" her how to tell she needed to go and taking her to her little potty.
Clearly, she took everything VERY seriously and carried Baby NaNa around all day (and everyday since).
Here is our started in the bathroom but was quickly moved to the family room cause we couldn't ever make it all the way to the bathroom.
Here is the living room setup...potty chart and all!
The key for the first few days is to fill Marilyn's body with drinks, so she has to pee ALL the time...then we have a lot of opportunities to teach!
Here they are...
The first day was disastrous, I was covered in pee, frustrated and exhausted. But we slept good and started again the next day. Slowly but surely Marilyn got it! The first ragingly successful moment didn't come until day 3. I almost died waiting for it, but it came! I can't believe that this really is working and Linny is big enough to be working on this...but working we are! Hopefully we can keep our patience and keep working on it, one day at a time!
i love your blog. you are totally the super mom i aspire to be. hoping we can find an excuse to vacay in st george so we can play! congrats on your potty training accomplishments! so awesome.
okay today is the day I go to the store. I wrote a list of everything you have in the pictures. I esp love the peeps - great play on words there Sara! Going to start on Wednesday. Wish me luck!
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