April 20, 2012

My Birthday

Well, as we all know well know, my birthday is AMAZING.  And this year was no different.  We went to California for the weekend and PARTIED with the family! Em and Ald and Cam and Pete came from Texas for spring break and we caught them while they were there, it was also Man Jeff's spring break and he was there too.  So it was a gathering, so obviously it was super perfect and fun!

Here is the amazing stuff we did!

We visited Mar Mar the Great (this is the amazing woman we named Marilyn after)

Jeff and Peter met for the first time, and got into all kinds of trouble...since neither of them could move we were able to keep the mayhem to a minimum. 

We had some pretty serious Grammie time...
Went to Emerald Bay, the baby boys were in their thrones...pretty rad way to spend time at the beach if you ask me!

Marilyn remembered that sand is awesome and waisted no playing time...it was serious business!

We look at the tide pools and found lots of cool animals, Marilyn thought they were "yuck-a" but we tried to tell her that not everyone can be as beautiful as she is...maybe a lesson for later in life?

Marilyn sported her teeny tiny Grammie's house only bikini (remember it from Hawaii??)

Jeff celebrated having Emily as his aunt...she really is the best!

Jeff met Mar Mar the Great for the first time, he is pretty chill still so Mar Mar got to hold him and they bonded...Such a sweet picture!

It might have been a little overwhelming because we brought EVERYONE to visit at the same time...but it was a special time and we couldn't miss it!

We went to Build-a-Bear and it was pretty amazing! Marilyn LOVED picking her bear and then putting the heart in...she gave it extra kisses before she put in inside.  It was pretty cool, the lady was GREAT and got the kids super excited about every step of their build-a-bear experience. 

If you know Marilyn at all, you know this is the shelf she picked her bear's clothes from.  All princess all the time! She picked Sleeping Beauty dress with glass slippers!

First the girls had to give their bears an air bath, and wash wash wash really good!

She couldn't get over the fact that her bear came with a house! So So So fun!
She is in love!!!

The girls played so well together and loved matching and playing Grammie's iPad! It was a SUPER trip and we are grateful that my parents let us all cram in the house and deal with the craziness that is our new family life! We LOVE my birthday and we LOVE California!

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