April 20, 2012

March Phone Pictures

Believe it or not, there are other things in March other than celebrating me...

Here are a few of them!

This little darling is around all the time...SO happy about that!

Marilyn is a little Mommy to all her dolls, she feeds them, plays with them, puts them down for naps and starts all over again!

I made Marilyn's Easter dress...pretty awesome right?!

Marilyn and her "bug" decided to both kiss the wall...sorta weird

Marilyn picks out her own clothes every day, these shoes are her "married shoes". (I assume because they are white, because I am pretty sure that, and the temple, are the only thing she knows about getting married)

Mar moved into a big girl car seat, and loves it alot!

Jeff did this...I almost died,  he hasn't done it since but has also had 4 ear infections so he hasn't had too much play time...I am sure he will make it all the way over any time...why must he grow so FAST!!

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