April 15, 2012

First Bath

It must be in some Mommy Rule book that you MUST take pictures of a baby's first bath.  I have no idea why, but I have to document the occasion. 

While it wasn't his favorite new memory he has ever made, it wasn't so bad! This baby is super chill and he didn't hate it like Marilyn did.  I warned Marilyn before the bath started that he was going to scream and cry because his brand new body had never been wet before and it could be a little scary for him and it ended up that this warning was not needed.  She kept saying "It's ok, Sweet, it's ok, you'll be fine.  When you get big you will love your tubby, like your big sister Marilyn".  She is surprisingly so good with him, she always wants to be the one to comfort him and then make sure everyone knows every single time she makes him stop crying! "Mommy! He stopped crying! It was me! I did a good job!" We love our little baby...

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