May 19, 2012

Summer Please

We couldn't be happier that the heat is coming back.  We miss it all year long and it always springs up on us WAH BAM! It's 100 degrees, LOVE IT! We celebrated our first 100 degree day with an outing to the lake with a buddies Jake and Janelle and their kids Ayden and Aleah.  (love them)

Marilyn has always LOVED the water (except last summer when I MADE her go under and she screamed like she was dying for weeks after...) This was our first water thing this season and we wondered how Mar would react...needless to say (because this picture says it all) she was in heaven.

Miss Muff and her buddy Ayden played all day long and LOVED being able to wade in the water and play. 

I have to admit I was even surprised when she ventured up to her shoulders in the water with no life jacket on...Have no fear, we (and by we I mean Tom) was RIGHT there and she was in no danger.  Swimming lessons here we come though, any child that walks up to her shoulders in the water with absolutely no swimming experience or knowledge demands and deserves swimming lessons. 

Jeff's first time to the lake...he loved it (how could he not, it was GORG)

All of our outings with Jake and Tom end up with Jake and Tom making super elaborate sand castles and them telling the kids to not ruin their work and some serious attention to the beautiful structures they are creating out of the sand and then BOOM, the kids come and pounce on funny. 

I mean this should be framed, right? Mandatory?

I believe this is Aleah's first time to the lake as well, look at those baby blues...Love her, she is so adorable and gorgeous!

I was getting a little tired of holding Jeff, and I was telling (ok- complaining, I'll own it) Tom and being the super handy guy he is he built this little thrown for Jeff to bask in the sunlight and enjoy the beauty.  It was amazing!

 YAY for the sun coming out and beating down on us so we get so hot and bothered in our houses that we run as fast as our buns will carry us to the closest lake or watery thing we can play in!


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