May 18, 2012

Our Life

Here are a bunch of AMAZING miscellaneous pictures that are blog MUSTS (I promise they will not disappoint)...Loving our little life!!

 Marilyn said to me "Mom, you look like me!" (I had to hide my secret hysteria, because seriously? I made her...)

We have dress up time about 7 times a day...this is when she was a butterfly!

Still smiling, even with double ear infections...

picnic time...YES!!

We made a fort and watched Tangled from inside...and ate an obscene about of popcorn!

Marilyn created a fork violin and played it (including sound effects) for an hour straight!

Jeff and Jeff, Uncle Jeff came to visit!!

We had F week, with a fish and a fairy

We took a Sunday drive in the Jeep with the top down!

Mom and Dad J made me this little number for my birthday! I needed some more light over my sewing machine, and obviously I needed it to be made of mason jars!!

I now rock these prescription $5 I ever spent!! 

Jeff has had a ZILLION ear infections and will NOT lie down so we tried this and he loves spinning around in it...

1 comment:

Brittney said...

oh my heck super mom! What fun things you do with your kids! Loved all your updates. Love your family!! You just keep me updated on that whole joyschool thing...because I'm thinking it would be pretty fun........