May 26, 2010


As most of you know, I am a die hard Biggest Loser fan. I have watched every season faithfully, and laughed and cried along with all the contestants. Now, as most of you also know, my darling husband Thomas, hates the biggest loser. He says he has a personal problem with watching morbidly obese people work out. And while I understand his point, I on the other hand, get wrapped up in their emotional journey to find them selves and change their lives. Since the finale was last night (where Michael, the biggest man ever to be on the show was victorious in the fight for his life, and also for the grand prize of $250,000), we decided it was a perfect night for a party. And also since the finale is the only show Thomas will watch with me, I felt we should defiantly get into it. So we invited Kristin and Greg over, and all dressed up like a finalist. We also ate brownies, which seems like a strange thing to do during a show like biggest loser...but we do what we can, and we had a great time doing it!


Andrea said...

Oooooh, you guys are toooooo hilarious. I just love it! I can totally picture Thomas not wanting to watch morbidly obese people working out. Hee Hee. Also we need to chat about American Idol. I love Lee. He was my favorite and I'm glad he won. I just loved his Alleluia song a couple weeks ago.

Stephanie Graham said...

I also LOVE that show!! I almost always cry during every episode too! I always feel like such a baby, but I can't help it! It's amazing to see how much they change and how strong they become! I usually watch it while spinning on my bike, so I'm always sweating it out while trying to wipe my tears at the same time... haha.